Menstrual Vitality Coaching

Menstrual Vitality Coaching

This coaching centers on easily dissolving stress, stuck emotions, emotional charges from past lived experiences, and anxiety. The nervous system can then be in ‘rest & digest’ mode and your menstrual health can flourish. This coaching also transforms your relationship with your female body, fostering balance, vitality, and self-love. This approach helps you thrive naturally in life. Enjoying pleasurable periods and a love you love.
— Dana Michelle Gillespie

Our menstrual cycles are directly tied to our nervous system. 

When we’re feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated, angry, exhausted, or fearful, our nervous system responds to that perceived threat by shutting down support for our menstrual system and using all that energy to be in ‘fight or flight’ mode. 

It's a great system when the perceived fear is a lion chasing us for a short period, but when these perceived fears are ongoing and are unconscious, that’s not ideal for our long-term health. 

Also, if we have a perception that our menstrual cycles are somehow horrible, that sends a signal to our nervous system to protect us from our menstrual cycle, which in turn drains our vitality.

Subconscious change work for menstrual vitality is the missing link so many females want and need. Many people refer to “stress” as the reason that someone’s menstrual experience isn’t improving after they have tried implementing every available option. 

Through subconscious change work, the stress and perceived fears naturally transform as a side effect of the sessions. This allows the body to return to parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’ mode and rebalance itself. And clients often share how great they feel after their sessions. Often with a sense of ‘wholeness’, ‘beingness’, and ‘bliss’ are words to describe their state.

In addition to this, being in vitality as a human also requires eating well, deep sleep, exercise, self-care, laughter, community, and joy. For some people, working with a doctor, ideally an Osteopath, is also helpful. It’s a holistic endeavor.

And I look forward to working with you.

In my many years of coaching women, these are some of the types of stories that I’ve heard before we started working together:

  • Unable to function the week before and/or during the period due to debilitating cramps.

  • Experiencing moderate to intense low moods and sad, heavy intrusive thoughts at various times of the month, making it really hard to function at work and in social life.

  • Finding themselves exhausted and drained so often it felt like life was running them over.

  • Feeling angry, frustrated, and upset about dealing with menstrual-related issues at all.

  • Feeling cursed to be in pain and held back by period-related issues indefinitely.

  • Feeling isolated and alone from menstrual-related pains and believing there must be something wrong with them and that they were not good enough as nothing was helping.

  • Experiencing a sense of unease, anxiety, bloating, and inflammation.

  • Accepting menstrual-related pains, exhaustion, and moodiness as just what comes with having a female body.

  • Feeling pain so intense when menstruation/bleeding began that she would black out.

  • Unable to relax and feel calm.

  • Needing caffeine and sugar to get through the day.

  • Experiencing massive relationship issues (romantic, family, and work) revolving around menstrual-related mood swings, irritability, and anger.

  • Ignoring menstrual-related pains and moodiness until it got more serious.

  • Doing all the things (cycle tracking, eating 'for her cycle', abdominal massage, working out, therapy, breath-work, Reiki) and still experiencing menstrual-related pains and issues every month.

With Subconscious Change Work coaching, we delve beneath conscious understanding, thoughts, and beliefs to reach the core/root. We gently, easily, and naturally heal the unconscious parts and patterns creating the issues. By connecting precisely with the aspects causing the problems, it's like having the right URL inside.

Instead of forcing, overriding, bypassing, or using willpower, we invite the parts of ourselves to experience the change on a subconscious level. This approach creates real and lasting positive change, often resulting in a deep, profound sense of being, wholeness, ease, peace, and love, to name a few.

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